[][src]Function spice_sys::dskxsi_c

pub unsafe extern "C" fn dskxsi_c(
    pri: SpiceBoolean,
    target: *const c_char,
    nsurf: c_int,
    srflst: *const c_int,
    et: c_double,
    fixref: *const c_char,
    vertex: *const c_double,
    raydir: *const c_double,
    maxd: c_int,
    maxi: c_int,
    xpt: *mut c_double,
    handle: *mut c_int,
    dladsc: *mut SpiceDLADescrC,
    dskdsc: *mut SpiceDSKDescrC,
    dc: *mut c_double,
    ic: *mut c_int,
    found: *mut SpiceBoolean

computes a ray-surface intercept using data provided by multiple loaded DSK segments and returns information about the source of the data defining the surface on which the intercept was found.