Function spelling::spellcheck[][src]

pub fn spellcheck<'a>(
    dictionary_string: &'a str,
    word: &str,
    distance: usize
) -> Vec<&'a str>

Takes a dictionary_string (newline separated), a word and a distance and returns a vector of possible matches, with a limit of distance set up distance. Sorts by distance. This doesn’t use rayon.


  1. This only works for single length code bytes.
  2. This uses the Levenshtein distance.
use spelling::spellcheck;
let dictionary_string = include_str!("words.txt"); // newline separated
spellcheck(dictionary_string, "restaraunt", 3);

How it works:

It loops through each word in the dictionary and then you have a word from the dictionary and a word to match against.

Lets say those words were rumor and rotten. You then create a vector that is the length of the shorter word + 1, counting up (but the first value is one).

let mut list = vec![1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

You also keep track a left variable, which starts at the index of the longest string you’re at and you create a temporary row.

for x in 2..longer.len() {
    let mut left = x;
    let mut temp = Vec::new();

For every item in the list, except the first, check if letter you’re on is the same in both words. If it is left will become list at the current index you’re on minus one. If it isn’t left will become the minimum of the current index on list, the current index minus on list, and left. Then add left to temp.

After this set list to temp and repeat.

The distance will be in the last index of list at the end, so return that to filter.

for x in 2..longer.len() {
    let mut left = x;
    println!("{}", x);
    let mut temp = Vec::new();
    let mut iter = list.iter().enumerate();; // skip first item in list
    for (index, y) in iter {
        println!("{}", index);
        left = match longer.as_bytes()[x - 1] == shorter.as_bytes()[index - 1] {
            true => list[index - 1],
            false => [list[index - 1], *y, left].iter().min().unwrap() + 1,
    list = temp;