Module spectrusty::memory

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Memory API.

Memory banks and pages.

  • ZxMemory ROM and RAM is a continuous slice of memory divided into logical banks.
  • 16-bit memory addresses are mapped to memory banks depending on the implementation.
  • Each page can have any fitting bank of ROM or RAM switched in.
  • Some implementations allow attaching an external ROM bank to any of the pages.

Below are examples of continuous memory: all ROM banks followed by RAM banks. ZxMemory::mem_ref and ZxMemory::mem_mut both give access to the whole area.

|00000h  |04000h  |8000h   |0c000h  |10000h  |14000h  |18000h |1c000h  |20000h  | 24000h
|        | Screen |
|        | Bank 0 |
| ROM    | RAM    |
| Bank 0 | Bank 0 |
|        | Screen Bank 0            |
|        |                          |
| ROM    | RAM Bank 0               |
| Bank 0 |                          |
|<-   ROM_SIZE  ->|
|        |        |        |        |        |        |        | Screen |        | Screen |
|        |        |        |        |        |        |        | Bank 0 |        | Bank 1 |
| ROM    | ROM    | RAM    | RAM    | RAM    | RAM    | RAM    | RAM    | RAM    | RAM    |
| Bank 0 | Bank 1 | Bank 0 | Bank 1 | Bank 2 | Bank 3 | Bank 4 | Bank 5 | Bank 6 | Bank 7 |

Below are examples of memory pages mappings.

A constant memory map of Memory16k and Memory48k:

        Memory48k  Memory16k
Page 0 +--------+  +--------+ Page 0 0x0000
       |        |  |        |
       |        |  |        |
       | ROM    |  | ROM    |
       | Bank 0 |  | Bank 0 |
Page 1 +--------+  +--------+ Page 1 0x4000
       | Screen |  | Screen |
       | Bank 0 |  | Bank 0 |
       | RAM    |  | RAM    |
       | Bank 0 |  | Bank 0 | RAMTOP 0x7fff
       +        +  +--------+        0x8000
       |        |
       |        |
       |        |
       |        |
       +        +                    0xc000
       |        |
       |        |
       |        |
RAMTOP |        |                    0xffff

A memory map with example banks switched in for Memory128k or Memory128kPlus:

Page 0 +--------+ 0x1000
       |        |
       |        |
       | ROM    |
       | Bank 0 |
Page 1 +--------+ 0x4000
       | Screen |
       | Bank 0 |
       | RAM    |
       | Bank 5 |
Page 2 +--------+ 0x8000
       |        |
       |        |
       | RAM    |
       | Bank 2 |
Page 3 +--------+ 0xc000
       |        |
       |        |
       | RAM    |
RAMTOP | Bank 0 | 0xffff


Utilities for serializing arrays as tuples.
Utilities for serializing memory as base64 strings or just bytes in binary serializers.


A placeholder memory extension. Useful as a default.




An interface for memory paging extensions of ZxMemory.
A trait for interfacing ZX Spectrum’s various memory types.

Type Definitions

Represents an external ROM as a shared pointer to a slice of bytes.
A single page memory type with 16kb RAM.
An EX-ROM attachable, paged (16k) memory type with 16kb RAM and 16kb ROM.
A single page memory type with 48kb RAM.
An EX-ROM attachable, paged (8k) memory type with 48kb RAM and 96kb ROM (64kb DOCK, 8kB EX-ROM, 16kB ROM).
An EX-ROM attachable, paged (16k) memory type with 48kb RAM and 16kb ROM.
A single page memory type with 64kb RAM.
An EX-ROM attachable, paged (16k) memory type with 128kb RAM and 32kb ROM.
An EX-ROM attachable, paged (16k) memory type with 128kb RAM and 64kb ROM.
An EX-ROM attachable, paged (8k) memory type with 272kb RAM and 32kb ROM.
A type returned by some of ZxMemory methods.
Represents a single screen memory.