Macro specta::collect_types

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macro_rules! collect_types {
    (type_map: $type_map:ident, $($command:path),* $(,)?) => { ... };
    ($($command:path),* $(,)?) => { ... };
Available on crate feature functions only.
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Collects function types into a Vec, and all downstream types into a TypeDefs instance.

Specifying a type_map argument allows a custom TypeDefs to be used.


use specta::*;

fn some_function(name: String, age: i32) -> bool {

fn main() {
    // `type_defs` is created internally
    let (functions, type_defs) = functions::collect_types![some_function].unwrap();

    let custom_type_defs = TypeDefs::default();

    // `type_defs` is provided.
    // This can be used when integrating multiple specta-enabled libraries.
    let (functions, custom_type_defs) = functions::collect_types![
        type_map: custom_type_defs,