initSidebarItems({"struct":[["BitSet","A `BitSet` is a simple set designed to track entity indices for which a certain component exists. It does not track the `Generation` of the entities that it contains."],["BitSetAnd","`BitSetAnd` takes two `BitSetLike` items, and merges the masks returning a new virtual set, which represents an intersection of the two original sets."],["CreateEntityIter","Entity creation iterator. Will yield new empty entities infinitely. Useful for bulk entity construction, since the locks are only happening once."],["DynamicEntityIter","A custom entity iterator for dynamically added entities."],["Entity","`Entity` type, as seen by the user."],["EntityBuilder","Helper builder for entities."],["EntityIter","A custom entity iterator. Needed because the world doesn't really store entities directly, but rather has just a vector of Index -> Generation."],["FetchArg","System fetch-time argument. The fetch is executed at the start of the run. It contains a subset of `World` methods that make sense during initialization."],["Generation","Index generation. When a new entity is placed at an old index, it bumps the `Generation` by 1. This allows to avoid using components from the entities that were deleted."],["HashMapStorage","HashMap-based storage. Best suited for rare components."],["Planner","System execution planner. Allows running systems via closures, distributes the load in parallel using a thread pool."],["RunArg","System closure run-time argument."],["VecStorage","Vec-based storage, stores the generations of the data in order to match with given entities. Supposed to have maximum performance for the components mostly present in entities."],["World","The `World` struct contains all the data, which is entities and their components. All methods are supposed to be valid for any context they are available in."]],"trait":[["BitSetLike","A generic interface for `BitSet`-like types."],["Component","Abstract component type. Doesn't have to be Copy or even Clone."],["Storage","Typed component storage trait."],["StorageBase","Base trait for a component storage that is used as a trait object. Doesn't depend on the actual component type."],["UnprotectedStorage","Used by the framework to quickly join componets"]],"type":[["Index","`Index` type is arbitrary. It doesn't show up in any interfaces. Keeping it 32bit allows for a single 64bit word per entity."]]});