Crate spawn_groups

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A structured concurrency construct which provides a way to spawn and run an arbitrary number of child tasks, possibly await the results of each child task or even cancel all running child tasks. This was heavily influenced by the Swift language’s TaskGroup.


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use async_std::io::{self};
use async_std::net::{TcpListener, TcpStream};
use async_std::prelude::*;
use spawn_groups::{with_err_spawn_group, GetType, Priority};
async fn process(stream: TcpStream) -> io::Result<()> {
    println!("Accepted from local: {}", stream.local_addr()?);
    println!("Accepted from: {}", stream.peer_addr()?);
    let mut reader = stream.clone();
    let mut writer = stream;
    io::copy(&mut reader, &mut writer).await?;
type Void = ();
async fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
    let listener = TcpListener::bind("").await?;
    println!("Listening on {}", listener.local_addr()?);
    with_err_spawn_group(Void::TYPE, io::Error::TYPE, |mut group| async move {
        let mut incoming = listener.incoming();
        while let Some(stream) = {
            let Ok(stream) = stream else {
                return Err(stream.expect_err("Expected an error"));
            group.spawn_task(Priority::default(), async move { process(stream).await });


To properly use this crate

  • with_spawn_group for the creation of a dynamic number of asynchronous tasks that return a value. See with_spawn_group for more information

  • with_err_spawn_group for the creation of a dynamic number of asynchronous tasks that return a value or an error. See with_err_spawn_group for more information

  • with_discarding_spawn_group for the creation of a dynamic number of asynchronous tasks that returns nothing. See with_discarding_spawn_group for more information

Spawning Child Tasks

Child tasks are spawned by calling either spawn_task or spawn_task_unless_cancelled methods on any of the spawn groups’ instance.

To avoid spawning new child tasks to an already cancelled spawn group, use spawn_task_unless_cancelled rather than the plain spawn_task which spawns new child tasks unconditionally.

Child Task Execution Order

Child tasks are scheduled in any order and spawned child tasks execute concurrently.


By calling explicitly calling the cancel_all method on any of the spawn groups’ instance, all running child tasks are immediately cancelled.


By calling explicitly calling the wait_for_all_tasks method on any of the spawn groups’ instance, all child tasks are immediately awaited for.


Both SpawnGroup and ErrSpawnGroup structs implements the futures_lite::Stream which means that you can await the result of each child task asynchronously and with the help of StreamExt trait, one can call methods such as next, map, filter_map, fold and so much more.

If you want a specific number of results from the spawned child tasks, consider calling get_chunks method instead of iterating over the spawn group instance which waits for all child tasks to finish their execution

use spawn_groups::with_spawn_group;
use futures_lite::StreamExt;
use spawn_groups::Priority;
use spawn_groups::GetType;

with_spawn_group(i64::TYPE, |mut group| async move {
     for i in 0..=10 {
        group.spawn_task(Priority::default(), async move {
          // simulate asynchronous operation

     // Loop over all the results of the child tasks spawned already
     while let Some(x) = {
        println!("{}", x);



  • Import StreamExt trait from futures_lite::StreamExt or futures::stream::StreamExt or async_std::stream::StreamExt to provide a variety of convenient combinator functions on the various spawn groups.
  • To await all running child tasks to finish their execution, call wait_for_all method on the spawn group instance unless using the with_discarding_spawn_group function.


  • This crate relies on atomics
  • Avoid using a spawn group from outside the above functions this crate provides
  • Avoid calling long, blocking, non asynchronous functions while using any of the spawn groups because it was built with asynchrony in mind.
  • Avoid spawning off an asynchronous function such as calling spawn methods from crate such as tokio, async_std, smol, etc.





  • Starts a scoped closure that takes a mutable DiscardingSpawnGroup instance as an argument which can execute any number of child tasks which return nothing.
  • Starts a scoped closure that takes a mutable ErrSpawnGroup instance as an argument which can execute any number of child tasks which its result values are of the type Result<ResultType, ErrorType> where ResultType can be of type and ErrorType which is any type that implements the standard Error type.
  • Starts a scoped closure that takes a mutable SpawnGroup instance as an argument which can execute any number of child tasks which its result values are of the generic ResultType type.