[][src]Function spatialite_sys::load_XL

pub unsafe extern "C" fn load_XL(
    sqlite: *mut sqlite3,
    path: *const c_char,
    table: *const c_char,
    worksheetIndex: c_uint,
    first_titles: c_int,
    rows: *mut c_uint,
    err_msg: *mut c_char
) -> c_int

Loads an external spreadsheet (.xls) file into a newly created table

\param sqlite handle to current DB connection \param path pathname of the spreadsheet file to be imported \param table the name of the table to be created \param worksheetIndex the index identifying the worksheet to be imported \param first_titles if TRUE the first line is assumed to contain column names \param rows on completion will contain the total number of actually exported rows \param err_msg on completion will contain an error message (if any)

\return 0 on failure, any other value on success