[][src]Function spatialite_sys::gaiaOpenShpWrite

pub unsafe extern "C" fn gaiaOpenShpWrite(
    shp: gaiaShapefilePtr,
    path: *const c_char,
    shape: c_int,
    list: gaiaDbfListPtr,
    charFrom: *const c_char,
    charTo: *const c_char

Open a Shapefile in read mode

\param shp pointer to the Shapefile object. \param path \e abstract pathname to the corresponding file-system files. \param shape the SHAPE code; expected to be one of GAIA_SHP_POINT, GAIA_SHP_POLYLINE, GAIA_SHP_POLYGON, GAIA_SHP_MULTIPOINT, GAIA_SHP_POINTZ, GAIA_SHP_POLYLINEZ, GAIA_SHP_POLYGONZ, GAIA_SHP_MULTIPOINTZ, GAIA_SHP_POINTM, GAIA_SHP_POLYLINEM, GAIA_SHP_POLYGONM, GAIA_SHP_MULTIPOINTM \param list pointer to DBF List object representing the corresponding data attributes. \param charFrom GNU ICONV name identifying the input charset encoding. \param charTo GNU ICONV name identifying the output charset encoding.

\sa gaiaAllocShapefile, gaiaFreeShapefile, gaiaOpenShpRead, gaiaReadShpEntity, gaiaShpAnalyze, gaiaWriteShpEntity, gaiaFlushShpHeaders

\note on failure the object member \e Valid will be set to 0; and the object member \e LastError will contain the appropriate error message. \n the \e abstract pathname should not contain any suffix at all.