[][src]Function spatialite_sys::gaiaLineInterpolatePoint

pub unsafe extern "C" fn gaiaLineInterpolatePoint(
    ln_geom: gaiaGeomCollPtr,
    fraction: f64
) -> gaiaGeomCollPtr

Spatial operator: Line Interpolate Point

\param ln_geom the input Geometry object [expected to be of lineal type] \param fraction total length fraction [in the range 0.0 / 1.0]

\return the pointer to newly created Geometry object representing a Point laying on the input Geometry and positioned at the given length fraction: NULL on failure.

\sa gaiaLineInterpolatePoint_r, gaiaLineInterpolateEquidistantPoints, gaiaFreeGeomColl

\note you are responsible to destroy (before or after) any allocated Geometry, this including any Geometry returned by gaiaLineInterpolatePoint()\n not reentrant and thread unsafe.

\remark \b GEOS-ADVANCED support required.