[][src]Function spatialite_sys::gaiaIsSvgXmlBlob

pub unsafe extern "C" fn gaiaIsSvgXmlBlob(
    blob: *const c_uchar,
    size: c_int
) -> c_int

Checks if a valid XmlBLOB buffer does contain an SVG Symbol or not

\param blob pointer to the XmlBLOB buffer. \param size XmlBLOB's size (in bytes).

\return TRUE or FALSE if the BLOB actually is a valid XmlBLOB; -1 in any other case.

\sa gaiaIsValidXmlBlob, gaiaIsSchemaValidatedXmlBlob, gaiaIsCompressedXmlBlob, gaiaIsIsoMetadataXmlBlob, gaiaIsSldSeVectorStyleXmlBlob, gaiaIsSldStyleXmlBlob, gaiaIsSldSeRasterStyleXmlBlob