[][src]Function spatialite_sys::gaiaGeomCollLengthOrPerimeter_r

pub unsafe extern "C" fn gaiaGeomCollLengthOrPerimeter_r(
    p_cache: *const c_void,
    geom: gaiaGeomCollPtr,
    perimeter: c_int,
    length: *mut f64
) -> c_int

Measures the total Length or Perimeter for a Geometry object

\param p_cache a memory pointer returned by spatialite_alloc_connection() \param geom pointer to Geometry object \param perimeter if TRUE only Polygons will be considered, ignoring any Linesting \n the opposite if FALSE (considering only Linestrings and ignoring any Polygon) \param length on completion this variable will contain the measured length or perimeter

\return 0 on failure: any other value on success

\sa gaiaGeomCollLengthOrPerimeter, gaiaGeomCollArea, gaiaMeasureLength, gaiaGeomCollLength

\note reentrant and thread-safe.

\remark \b GEOS support required.