[][src]Function spatialite_sys::gaiaCriticalPointFromGEOSmsg_r

pub unsafe extern "C" fn gaiaCriticalPointFromGEOSmsg_r(
    p_cache: *const c_void
) -> gaiaGeomCollPtr

Attempts to (possibile) return a Point Geometry extracted from the latest GEOS error / warning message

\param p_cache a memory pointer returned by spatialite_alloc_connection()

\return a Point Geometry: NULL if no warning/error was previoysly found or if the current GEOS message doesn't contains a critical Point.

\sa gaiaCriticalPointFromGEOSmsg_r, gaiaResetGeosMsg, gaiaGetGeosErrorMsg, gaiaGetGeosWarningMsg, gaiaSetGeosErrorMsg, gaiaSetGeosWarningMsg, gaiaSetGeosAuxErrorMsg

\note reentrant and thread-safe.

\remark \b GEOS support required.