[][src]Function spatialite_sys::gaiaAllocDbfField

pub unsafe extern "C" fn gaiaAllocDbfField(
    name: *mut c_char,
    type_: c_uchar,
    offset: c_int,
    length: c_uchar,
    decimals: c_uchar
) -> gaiaDbfFieldPtr

Allocates a new DBF Field object

\param name text string: DBF Field name. \param type identifier of the corresponding DBF data type. \param offset corresponding offset into the DBF I/O buffer. \param length max field length (in bytes). \param decimals precision: number of decimal digits.

\return the pointer to newly created DBF Field object.

\sa gaiaFreeDbfField, gaiaCloneDbfField, gaiaFreeValue, gaiaSetNullValue, gaiaSetIntValue, gaiaSetDoubleValue, gaiaSetStrValue

\note you are responsible to destroy (before or after) any allocated DBF Field, unless you've passed ownership to some further object: in this case destroying the higher order object will implicitly destroy any contained child object. \n supported DBF data types are: \li 'C' text string [default] \li 'N' numeric \li 'D' date \li 'L' boolean