[][src]Function spatialite_sys::gaiaToWkb

pub unsafe extern "C" fn gaiaToWkb(
    geom: gaiaGeomCollPtr,
    result: *mut *mut c_uchar,
    size: *mut c_int

Encodes a Geometry object into WKB notation

\param geom pointer to Geometry object \param result on completion will containt a pointer to the WKB buffer [BLOB]: NULL on failure. \param size on completion this variable will contain the BLOB's size (in bytes)

\sa gaiaFromWkb, gaiaToHexWkb, gaiaFromEWKB, gaiaToEWKB

\note this function will apply 3D WKB encoding as internally intended by SpatiaLite: not necessarily intended by other OGC-like implementations. \n Anyway, 2D WKB is surely standard and safely interoperable. \n the returned BLOB buffer corresponds to dynamically allocated memory: so you are responsible to free() it [unless SQLite will take care of memory cleanup via buffer binding].