pub fn unpark_some(addr: *const (), count: usize)
Expand description

Wakes at most count threads parked on addr.

Should be called after making the expected of the corresponding parks return false.


  • The memory pointed to by addr isn’t written to, it isn’t read and no references to it are formed.
  • If no thread is waiting on addr, no thread is woken, but it still requires locking, so it’s not recommended to call it without reason.
  • This function ensures that if it is called after an effect, that would cause the expected of a call to park with the same addr, park will either be woken, or it will not have gone to sleep and will return.


use sparking_lot_core::{park, unpark_some};

static tasks: YourTaskQueue = YourTaskQueue::new();

fn add_tasks<T: Iterator<Item = Task>>(new_tasks: T) {
    let mut count = 0;
    for t in new_tasks {
        count += 1;
    unpark_some(&tasks as *const _ as *const _, count);

fn get_task() -> Task {
    let mut task = None;
    loop {
        // some other unblocked thread might
        // have taken our task, so we loop
        task = tasks.pop_task();
        if let Some(task) = task {
            return task;
        unsafe {
            /* SAFETY:
             * - no calls to sparking_lot_core funtions in closure
             * - the task queue **has to be** be private
            park(&tasks as *const _ as *const _, || {
                task = tasks.pop_task();