Crate spacepackets

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§CCSDS and ECSS packet standards implementations

This crate contains generic implementations for various CCSDS (Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems) and ECSS (European Cooperation for Space Standardization) packet standards. Currently, this includes the following components:


spacepackets supports various runtime environments and is also suitable for no_std environments.

§Default features

  • std: Enables functionality relying on the standard library.
  • alloc: Enables features which operate on containers like alloc::vec::Vec. Enabled by the std feature.

§Optional features

  • serde: Adds serde support for most types by adding Serialize and Deserialize `derives.
  • chrono: Add basic support for the chrono time library.
  • timelib: Add basic support for the time time library.
  • defmt: Add support for the defmt by adding the defmt::Format derive on many types.


This module contains helpers and data structures to generate Space Packets according to the CCSDS 133.0-B-2. This includes the SpHeader class to generate the Space Packet Header component common to all space packets.


use spacepackets::SpHeader;
let sp_header = SpHeader::new_for_unseg_tc_checked(0x42, 12, 1).expect("error creating CCSDS TC header");
println!("{:?}", sp_header);
let mut ccsds_buf: [u8; 32] = [0; 32];
sp_header.write_to_be_bytes(&mut ccsds_buf).expect("Writing CCSDS TC header failed");
println!("{:x?}", &ccsds_buf[0..6]);



  • Abstraction for the CCSDS Packet ID, which forms the last thirteen bits of the first two bytes in the CCSDS primary header.
  • Abstraction for the CCSDS Packet Sequence Control (PSC) field which is the third and the fourth byte in the CCSDS primary header.
  • Space Packet Primary Header according to CCSDS 133.0-B-2.





Type Aliases§