spaced-review 0.1.1

A minimalistic terminal-based vocabulary learner or flashcard tool, using a spaced repetition algorithm.
spaced-review-0.1.1 is not a library.

Spaced review

Spaced repetition is a learning technique that involves increasing the intervals of time between reviewing previously learned material. The idea behind spaced repetition is that reviewing material at increasingly longer intervals helps to reinforce memory and improve retention of the material over time.

This is a minimalistic, terminal-based tool for reviewing, scoring, and storing retention information. It allows users to design their own method of collecting and storing cards

UNIX Philosophy

  • Small is beautiful: Simple, small programs that do one thing well are preferred over complex programs that try to do many things.
  • Make each program do one thing well: Programs should be designed to perform a single, well-defined task and do it well, rather than trying to do many things.
  • Composability

Each user had individual needs and their own Philosophy on how to organize their learning material.


  • Cards and context are stored in files using the org-mode format.
  • Learning progress is stored within the org-mode file.
  • Configuration is done using command-line parameters, which can also be stored at the end of the org-mode file.
  • Multiple files can be loaded together, or a whole directory can be reviewed. This allows you to use files as an easy way to group items (e.g. one file per level, one directory per domain, or one file per word class).
  • The tool is written in Rust, which makes it fast and efficient.


We use the TUI to build our review interface.


Install vocage using Rust's package manager:

cargo install spaced-review

Based upon