Crate space_filling

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This is a library for generalized space filling in ℝ² (do not mix with packing).

It is split into two main modules: solver for generating a distribution of shapes, and drawing for displaying it (requires draw feature). Here, “shape” denotes one or multiple regions of ℝ² space, that can be represented by a signed distance function.

Basic usage, Argmax2D solver

let path = "out.png";

  * Initialize instance of `Argmax2D`, which will store the discrete distance field in
  * a 1024x1024 bitmap, and 16x16 chunk size.
  * Resolution must be divisible by chunk size.
  * Resolution affects the precision of solver, and is not related to final picture size.
  * Chunk size is only important for optimization. Best values depend on the actual
  * system configuration, but typically `chunk = resolution.sqrt() / 2`
let mut representation = Argmax2D::new(1024, 16)?;
// prevent shapes from escaping image

// Initialize image buffer, which will hold final image.
let mut image = image::RgbaImage::new(2048, 2048);

// Generate the distribution of shapes:
for _ in 0..1000 {
  // find global maxima of the field
  let global_max = representation.find_max();
  // Make a new circle at the location with highest distance to all other circles.
  let circle = Circle
    .scale(global_max.distance / 4.0);
  /** Update the field.
   * `Circle` impletemens the `SDF` trait. Additionally, it has been concluded that
   * only a certain part of the field is being changed every time, depending on the
   * current maximum distance. To be exact - a square region with a side of
   * max_dist * 4.0 * sqrt(2.0), which made possible achieving
   * greater speed of computation. **/
    |v| circle.sdf(v)
    .texture(Luma([255u8]).to_rgba()) // fill with white color
    .draw(&mut image); // draw the shape on image
}; // save image

GD-ADF solver

let path = "out.png";
let mut representation = RwLock::new(ADF::<f64>::new(5, vec![Arc::new(sdf::boundary_rect)]));
let mut image = image::RgbaImage::new(2048, 2048);
// In case of GD-ADF, it is adviced to use `util::local_maxima_iter`,
// as it is capable of finding multiple local maxima in parallel.
// By default, this is an infinite iterator.
  // provide a closure for sampling distance field
  32, 0, LineSearch::default()
).filter_map(|local_max| {
  let circle = Circle
    .scale(local_max.distance / 4.0);
  // Update distance field. Since the precision is not perfect, sometimes update may fail -
  // thus Option is returned
    Arc::new(move |p| circle.sdf(p))
  ).then(|| circle)
}).take(1000) // stop, once 1000 circles were successfully added
  .for_each(|shape| shape
    .draw(&mut image)


Drawing was intended to be a rudimentary module for displaying sdf shapes. It is not highly optimized, and you are free to use third-party libraries for this purpose.

There are two traits related to drawing:

Draw is primarily implemented on Texture:

.texture(Rgba(...)) -> Texture<T, Rgba<u8>>
.texture(image) -> Texture<T, image::DynamicImage>
.texture(|pixel| { ... }) -> Texture<T, Fn(Point2D) -> Rgba<u8>>

At first, you could think writing:

let shapes: Vec<Box<dyn Shape>> = vec![
for shape in shapes {

But this won’t work, because all of Shape methods require Sized, hence no object safe. Correct way is:

let shapes: Vec<Box<dyn Draw<RgbaImage>>> = ...

However, since Rust never got a support of trait upcasting, we cannot obtain dyn Shape from dyn Draw, hence somewhat limited in capabilities.

Lastly, there is: draw_parallel, which is convenient when shapes require heavy computations to draw, such as texture loading. It accepts an iterator on dyn Draw<RgbaImage> + Send + Sync, constructed via trait object casting, exactly as above. See examples/argmax2d/, examples/gd_adf/ and drawing/tests::polymorphic_* for more details.

This way, both distribution generation and drawing are guaranteed to evenly load all available cores.

Have a good day, nyaa~ =^_^=
