Crate sort_by_derive

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This crate provides 3 derive macros SortBy, EnumAccessor and EnumSequence.

  • SortBy derives the traits Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq and Hash on structs that can’t automatically derive those traits because they contain unorderable fields such as f32.
  • On enums and structs, SortBy can also implement a Ord trait that calls arbitrary methods - this is particularly useful in combination with enum variant accessor methods derived by EnumAccessor an EnumSequence
  • EnumAccessor derives accessor methods to common fields in variants - so you don’t need to write yourself match statements to access a field with the same name and type on different variants. This feature is similar to enum_dispatch, but takes a different approach where structs don’t need to implement a trait.
  • EnumSequence provides a enum_sequence method where the first variant returns 0, the second 1, etc. This is useful is you want to implement a custom sorting, while the order of declaration of variant is still relevant as a secondary ordering criteria.



Fields that should be used for sorting are marked with the attribute #[sort_by]. Other fields will be ignored.

Alternatively, or in combination with, a struct-level or enum-level #[sort_by(method1(),method2(),attr1,nested.attr)] can be declared. This top-level declaration takes precedence, fields comparison will be considered if top-level comparisons are all eq. The top-level sort_by attribute takes a list of attributes or method calls; items will be prepended with self..

struct Something {
    a: u16,
    c: u32,
    b: f32

will expand to:

impl std::hash::Hash for Something {
    fn hash<H: std::hash::Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
impl core::cmp::Eq for Something {}
impl core::cmp::PartialEq<Self> for Something {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
impl core::cmp::PartialOrd<Self> for Something {
    fn partial_cmp(
        other: &Self,
    ) -> core::option::Option<core::cmp::Ordering> {
impl core::cmp::Ord for Something {
    fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> core::cmp::Ordering {
        core::cmp::Ord::cmp(&self.somemethod(), &other.somemethod())
            .then_with(|| self.a.cmp(&other.a))
            .then_with(|| self.c.cmp(&other.c))

You can use it the same way with tuple structs:

struct Something (

This will expand the same way as a normal struct, with the proper numerical fields.


This derive macro is similar to enum_dispatch. enum_dispatch requires structs to implement a common trait, which can be useful if a common set of functions applies to all variants . EnumAccessor takes the opposite approach: common fields and methods are declared at enum level, and you can have variants that don’t have a given field or method. This may be more practical if there is a large amount of variants and your only concern is accessing fields, because individual structs just hold data. This is typical for events - they represent a state change and are generally consumed as a whole, individual structs have no code of their own.

Field accessor

After adding derive(EnumAccessor) to the enum, fields are declared as accessor(field: type) attributes:

#[accessor(name_of_the_field: type_of_the_field)]
#[accessor(name_of_other_field: type_of_the_other_field)]
enum E {

This will derive the accessor methods fn name(&self) -> &type; andfn name_mut(&mut self) -> &mut type;, and return a reference to the field of the same name on any variant.

So you can take any E, all variants will have name_of_the_field, name_of_the_field_mut, name_of_other_field, name_of_other_field_mut

fn do_something(some_e: &mut E) {
    let field_value = *some_e.name_of_the_field() ; // take the value of that field, whatever variant it is
    *some_e.name_of_the_field_mut() = "somevalue" ; // use the accessor method returning a &mut to the field

Use Except or Only if not all variants have a given field:

#[accessor(name: type, Except(Variant3,Variant4))]
enum E {
    Variant1(X),  // calling `name` on a E::Variant1 returns Some(&X.type)
    Variant2(Y),  // calling `name` on a E::Variant2 returns Some(&Y.type)
    Variant3(Z),  // calling `name` on a E::Variant3 returns None
    Variant4(A)   // calling `name` on a E::Variant4 returns None

This derives the same accessor methods, but the return type will be Option<&type> and Option<&mut type>. The provided comma-separated list of variants are exceptions and will return None.

Methods without arguments ( i.e. only &self are also supported ). It takes the form: #[accessor(method_name(): type)]. If type is a &mut, the generated method will take &mut self instead of &self. This can be useful for accessing mutable derived methods of nested enums.

To avoid name clashes, accessors can be given an alias by using as:

#[accessor(name as othername: type, except(Exception1,Exception2))]
enum E {


Note: this will create an extension trait {TypeName}Accessor ( i.e. the type T will get a new trait TAccessor ). This trait will have the same visibility as the type. When using this type from another module, make sure to bring the trait in scope with use {TypeName}Accessor.


Say we have a series of midi events, they are very similar but with slight variations - they always have some timing information but they may not always have a pitch or channel.

Using #[accessor(global_time: usize)], a global_time(&self) method is derived, along with a global_time_mut(&mut self), so without any boilerplate you can access the timing.

By declaring #[accessor(channel: u8, except(CC))], channel(&self) and channel_mut(&mut self) are derived, but they return Some for NoteOn and NoteOff, and None for CC and Unsupported.

#[accessor(global_time: usize)]
#[accessor(channel: u8, except(CC))]
#[accessor(pitch: u8, except(CC, Unsupported))]
enum Note {
    Unsupported {
        global_time: usize,
        rawdata: Vec<u8>

expands to:

pub trait NoteAccessor {
    fn global_time(&self) -> &usize;
    fn global_time_mut(&mut self) -> &mut usize;
    fn channel(&self) -> std::option::Option<&u8>;
    fn channel_mut(&mut self) -> std::option::Option<&mut u8>;
    fn pitch(&self) -> std::option::Option<&u8>;
    fn pitch_mut(&mut self) -> std::option::Option<&mut u8>;
impl NoteAccessor for Note {
    fn global_time(&self) -> &usize {
        match self {
            Self::NoteOn(x) => &x.global_time,
            Self::NoteOff(x) => &x.global_time,
            Self::CC(x) => &x.global_time,
            Self::Unsupported { global_time, .. } => global_time,
    fn global_time_mut(&mut self) -> &mut usize {
        match self {
            Self::NoteOn(x) => &mut x.global_time,
            Self::NoteOff(x) => &mut x.global_time,
            Self::CC(x) => &mut x.global_time,
            Self::Unsupported { global_time, .. } => global_time,
    fn channel(&self) -> std::option::Option<&u8> {
        match self {
            Self::NoteOn(x) => std::option::Option::Some(&,
            Self::NoteOff(x) => std::option::Option::Some(&,
            Self::CC(x) => std::option::Option::Some(&,
            Self::Unsupported { .. } => std::option::Option::None,
    fn channel_mut(&mut self) -> std::option::Option<&mut u8> {
        match self {
            Self::NoteOn(x) => std::option::Option::Some(&mut,
            Self::NoteOff(x) => std::option::Option::Some(&mut,
            Self::CC(x) => std::option::Option::Some(&mut,
            Self::Unsupported { .. } => std::option::Option::None,
    fn pitch(&self) -> std::option::Option<&u8> {
        match self {
            Self::NoteOn(x) => std::option::Option::Some(&x.pitch),
            Self::NoteOff(x) => std::option::Option::Some(&x.pitch),
            Self::CC(_) => std::option::Option::None,
            Self::Unsupported { .. } => std::option::Option::None,
    fn pitch_mut(&mut self) -> std::option::Option<&mut u8> {
        match self {
            Self::NoteOn(x) => std::option::Option::Some(&mut x.pitch),
            Self::NoteOff(x) => std::option::Option::Some(&mut x.pitch),
            Self::CC(_) => std::option::Option::None,
            Self::Unsupported { .. } => std::option::Option::None,
Method accessor

The General form is #[accessor(method():type)] :

enum E {


As for field access, declaring an exception will make the actual return type an Option<type>.

Named fields is supported, it will consider that the named field is of type Fn() -> type, and call it.

An intricate example:

struct A {
    f1: u8,
    f2: u8

impl A {
    fn sum(&self) -> u8 {
        self.f1 + self.f2
    fn set(&mut self) -> &mut u8 {
        &mut self.f1

struct B {
    values: Vec<u8>

impl B {
    fn sum(&self) -> u8 {

#[accessor(set(): &mut u8, except(B,C))]
enum E<Get: Fn() -> u8> {
    C{sum: Get}

fn test_sum() {
    let factor = Arc::new(AtomicU8::new(1));

    let [mut a, b, c] = [
        E::A(A { f1: 10, f2: 22 }),
        E::B(B { values: vec![9, 4, 3, 2] }),
            let factor = factor.clone();
            E::C {
                sum: move || 21 * factor.load(Ordering::Relaxed),

    assert_eq!(32, a.sum()); // sum() is available without matching against E::A, E::B or E::C
    if let Some(value) = a.set() { // set() is only available for E::A and returns a &mut u8, so we get a Option<&mut u8>
        *value = 0;
    assert_eq!(22, a.sum());
    assert_eq!(18, b.sum());
    assert_eq!(21, c.sum());, Ordering::Relaxed);
    assert_eq!(42, c.sum());


Simply derive EnumSequence, and you get enum_sequence(&self) which returns a usize, starting from 0 and incrementing for each variant.

When using enums of enums, creating an accessor to the inner enum’s sequence may create a method name ambiguity. To mitigate this, a custom accessor name can be chosen by using as, for instance #[accessor(enum_sequence() as inner_sequence: usize)]

Note: this will create an extension trait {TypeName}EnumSequence ( i.e. the type T will get a new trait TEnumSequence ). This trait will have the same visibility as the type. When using this type from another module, make sure to bring the trait in scope with use {TypeName}EnumSequence.

enum ABC {
    C{f: String, g: usize}

expands to

pub trait ABCEnumSequence {
    fn enum_sequence(&self) -> usize;
impl ABCEnumSequence for ABC {
    fn enum_sequence(&self) -> usize {
        match self {
            Self::A(..) => 0usize,
            Self::B(..) => 1usize,
            Self::C { .. } => 2usize,

All together

Imagine the following :

#[derive(EnumSequence, EnumAccessor, SortBy, Debug)]
#[accessor(global_time: usize)]
#[accessor(channel: u8, except(CC))]
#[accessor(pitch: u8, except(CC,SomethingElse))]
#[sort_by(global_time(), channel(), pitch(), enum_sequence())]
enum Note {
    SomethingElse {
        global_time: usize,
        channel: u8,

Now I have a Note enum that will sort by global_time, channel, pitch, and lastly by variant order ( enum_sequence ). Note that None is always less than Some.

Conversely, separate structs such as NoteOn may derive from SortBy in order to ignore some fields ( ex: velocity may be a f32, so we can’t directly derive Ord ).


  • On unnamed variants, EnumAccessor only considers the first parameter.
  • struct-level sort_by attribute always come before field-level attributes.

Derive Macros