Expand description

This module provides examples of what the wrap macro generates.

SimpleWrapper is generated with the following code:

wrap! { SimpleWrapper<T: PartialEq<isize>> :
   /// SimpleWrapper wraps any type comparable to `isize`,
   /// and guarantees that the wrapped value is not equal to 0.
   pub fn new(inner: T) -> Result<Self, String> {
       if inner != 0 {
       } else {
           Err("inner is equal to zero".into())

BorrowingWrapper is generated with the following code:

wrap! { BorrowingWrapper borrowing str :
    /// BorrowingWrapper wraps any `Borrow<str>` type,
    /// and guarantees that the wrapped value contains `"hello"`.
    pub fn new(inner: T) -> Result<Self, String> {
        if inner.borrow().contains("hello") {
        } else {
            Err("inner does not contain 'hello'".into())

As can be seen, this second form generates more methods and trait implementations than the previous one.
