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This module defines the API for RDF terms.

Terms are the building blocks of an RDF graph. There are four types of terms: IRIs, blank nodes (BNode for short), literals and variables.

NB: variable only exist in generalized RDF.


pub use simple_iri::SimpleIri;


This crate defines generic traits and default implementations for matchers, objects that can be used to match zero, one or several terms.

Minimal implementation of TTerm, for representing datatype IRIs of literals.

Provide a naive implementation of TTerm for test purposes.


A raw value is a string possibly split into two parts.


Any TTerm belongs to one of those kinds.


This trait is to CopyTerm and TryCopyTerm what Into is to From. It is automatically implemented by any implementation of TTerm.

A type that can copy any term.

Trait for all RDF terms.

A type that can copy some terms.


Check the equality of two graph names (Option<&Term>) possibly of different types.

Compare two terms:

Compare two terms for syntactic equality.

Format the given term in a Turtle-like format.

Hash a term

Formats the given term in to a string.