songkick 0.1.0

Rust library for SongKick API
songkick-0.1.0 doesn't have any documentation.

SongKick Rust

SongKick API library written in Rust

Build Status Coverage


Add this in your Cargo.toml:

songkick = "0.1.0"

... and then this in your crate

extern crate songkick;


Fetch Artist Info with SongKick ID

use songkick::{SongKick};
use songkick::resources::Artist;
use songkick::endpoints::{SkEndpoint};
let sk = SongKick::new("API_KEY");
//RadioHead ID
let artists : Vec<Artist> = sk.artist.get(253846)
.and_then(|res| Ok(res.collect()))
.expect("Failed to fetch artist with id");

Check more examples here