Expand description

Program state


Defines the gateway token structure

An optimized gateway token to access additional data

A simple struct defining details of a transaction, optionally used for session tokens to restrict access based on details of a transaction


Feature flag names. The values are encoded as a bitmap in a gateway token NOTE: There may be only 8 values here, as long as the “features” bitmap is a u8

Enum representing the states that a gateway token can be in.


The seed string used to derive a program address for a gateway token from an owner account

The seed string used to derive a program address for a gateway token from an owner account

The seed string used to derive a program address for a network expire feature



Get program-derived gatekeeper address for the authority

Get program-derived gateway token address for the authority

Verifies that the gatekeeper account matches the passed in gatekeeper and gatekeeper network NOTE: This does not check that the gatekeeper is a signer of the transaction.

Type Definitions

An optional seed to use when generating a gateway token, allowing multiple gateway tokens per wallet