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The entry module is a fundamental building block of Proof of History. It contains a unique ID that is the hash of the Entry before it, plus the hash of the transactions within it. Entries cannot be reordered, and its field num_hashes represents an approximate amount of time since the last Entry was created.


Each Entry contains three pieces of data. The num_hashes field is the number of hashes performed since the previous entry. The hash field is the result of hashing hash from the previous entry num_hashes times. The transactions field points to Transactions that took place shortly before hash was generated.


Typed entry to distinguish between transaction and tick entries



Creates the next Tick or Transaction Entry num_hashes after start_hash.

Creates the hash num_hashes after start_hash. If the transaction contains a signature, the final hash will be a hash of both the previous ID and the signature. If num_hashes is zero and there’s no transaction data, start_hash is returned.

Creates the next Tick or Transaction Entry num_hashes after start_hash.

Type Definitions