Crate sod_actix_web

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This crate provides sod::Service abstractions around actix_web via Handler implementations.


The ServiceHandler acts as an actix_web Handler, dispatching requests to an underlying sod::AsyncService or sod::Service implementation.

Service I/O

The input to the underlying AsyncService is directly compatible with the native FromRequest trait in actix_web. As such, a tuple of FromRequest impls can be handled as input for an AsyncService.

The output from the underlying AsyncService must implement the native Responder trait from actix_web. This means that all output type from the service should be compatible with all output types from actix_web. This should include a simple String or full actix_web::HttpResponse.

Greet Server Example

The following example mirrors the default actix_web greeter example, except it uses the service abstraction provided by this library:

use actix_web::{web, App, HttpServer};
use sod::Service;
use sod_actix_web::ServiceHandler;

async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    struct GreetService;
    impl Service for GreetService {
        type Input = web::Path<String>;
        type Output = String;
        type Error = std::convert::Infallible;
        fn process(&self, name: web::Path<String>) -> Result<Self::Output, Self::Error> {
            Ok(format!("Hello {name}!"))

    HttpServer::new(|| {
    .bind(("", 8080))?

Math Server Example

The following example is slightly more advanced, demonstrating how AsyncService and a tuple of inputs may be used:

use std::{io::Error, io::ErrorKind};
use actix_web::{web, App, HttpServer};
use serde_derive::Deserialize;
use sod::{async_trait, AsyncService};
use sod_actix_web::ServiceHandler;

async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
    pub struct MathParams {
        a: i64,
        b: i64,

    struct MathService;
    impl AsyncService for MathService {
        type Input = (web::Path<String>, web::Query<MathParams>);
        type Output = String;
        type Error = Error;
        async fn process(
            (func, params): (web::Path<String>, web::Query<MathParams>),
        ) -> Result<Self::Output, Self::Error> {
            let value = match func.as_str() {
                "add" => params.a + params.b,
                "sub" => params.a - params.b,
                "mul" => params.a * params.b,
                "div" => params.a / params.b,
                _ => return Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, "invalid func")),

    HttpServer::new(|| {
    .bind(("", 8080))?


WebSocket sod::Service abstractions are provided in the ws module.


  • websockets
