pub fn apply_loads_over_time<'a, 'b, T>(
    d: i32,
    e: i32,
    objective: impl Fn(i32, &Config<T>, &LoadProfile, &LoadFractions) -> IntermediateObjective + Send + Sync + 'b,
    loads: Vec<LoadProfile>,
    t_start: i32
) -> CostFn<'b, Config<T>, DataCenterModelOutputSuccess, DataCenterModelOutputFailure> where
    T: Value<'a>, 
Expand description

Optimally applies (certain) loads to a model to obtain a cost function.

  • $d$ - number of dimensions
  • $e$ - number of job types
  • $objective$ - cost function to minimize w.r.t. load assignments, returning energy cost and revenue loss
  • $loads$ - vector of (certain) loads for all time slots that should be supported by the returned cost function
  • $t_start$ - time offset, i.e. time of first load profile