Macro snek::snek [] [src]

macro_rules! snek {
    ($sname:ident { 
        $($symbol:ident : ($($pn: ident : $pt:ty),*) -> $ot:ty),*
    }) => { ... };

This macro is used to generate a struct that wraps a dynamic library with generated loading code. Each defined function will be loaded as a symbol from the library when an instance of the struct is constructed, and can be called via functions of the same name attached to the struct.

In the same way as a Snek instance, when an instance of a struct defined by this macro is dropped, the library is unloaded.


As with Symbol::with, there is no way of verifying the types of the functions so care should be taken to ensure they are correct. All the imported functions will be unsafe as a result of this.


This example loads the same function as given in the Snek usage example:

snek! {
    Example {
        add: (x: c_int, y: c_int) -> c_int

fn main() {
    if let Ok(example) = Example::load("") {
        println!("{}", unsafe { example.add(3, 7) })

Additional functions can be loaded by simply adding them in the macro usage:

snek! {
    Example {
        add: (x: c_int, y: c_int) -> c_int,
        hello: () -> ()