Expand description

Implements the base Marlin zkSNARK proof system.


Proving key for a specific circuit (i.e., R1CS matrices).

Verification key for a specific index (i.e., R1CS matrices).

The Marlin POSW mode does not assume recursive proofs of any depth.

The Marlin default mode assumes a recursive proof of at least depth-1.

The Marlin proof system.

TODO (howardwu): Combine all of the testnet configurations into an environment struct higher up. The Marlin testnet1 mode does not assume recursive proofs of any depth.

The Marlin testnet2 mode does not assume recursive proofs of any depth.

Verification key, prepared (preprocessed) for use in pairings.

A zkSNARK proof.


A enum specifying the possible failure modes of Marlin.


A trait to specify the Marlin mode.

Type Definitions

The universal public parameters for the argument system.