[][src]Module snafu::guide::upgrading

Upgrading from previous releases

Version 0.2

Support for the snafu::display attribute was removed as this type of attribute was never intended to be supported. Since this required a SemVer-incompatible version, the attribute format has also been updated and normalized.

  1. Attributes have been renamed

    • snafu_display and snafu::display became snafu(display).
    • snafu_visibility became snafu(visibility)
    • snafu_backtrace became snafu(backtrace)
  2. Support for snafu_display with individually-quoted format arguments was removed. Migrate to either the "clean" or "all one string" styles, depending on what version of Rust you are targeting.


This example is not tested
#[derive(Debug, Snafu)]
enum DisplayUpdate {
    #[snafu::display("Format and {}", argument)]
    CleanStyle { argument: i32 },

    #[snafu_display("Format and {}", "argument")]
    QuotedArgumentStyle { argument: i32 },

    #[snafu_display = r#"("Format and {}", argument)"#]
    AllOneStringStyle { argument: i32 },
This example is not tested
#[derive(Debug, Snafu)]
enum VisibilityUpdate {

    #[snafu_visibility = "pub(crate)"]


This example is not tested
#[derive(Debug, Snafu)]
enum DisplayUpdate {
    #[snafu(display("Format and {}", argument))]
    CleanStyle { argument: i32 },

    #[snafu(display = r#"("Format and {}", argument)"#)]
    QuotedArgumentStyle { argument: i32 },

    #[snafu(display = r#"("Format and {}", argument)"#)]
    AllOneStringStyle { argument: i32 },
This example is not tested
#[derive(Debug, Snafu)]
enum VisibilityUpdate {

    #[snafu(visibility = "pub(crate)")]