Module smoldot::header

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Parsing SCALE-encoded header.

Each block of a chain is composed of two parts: its header, and its body.

The header of a block consists in a list of hard coded fields such as the parent block’s hash or the block number, and a variable-sized list of log items.

The standard format of a block header is the SCALE encoding. It is typically under this encoding that block headers are for example transferred over the network or stored in the database. Use the decode function in order to decompose a SCALE-encoded header into a usable HeaderRef.


// Example encoded header.
let scale_encoded_header: &[u8] = &[
    246, 90, 76, 223, 195, 230, 202, 111, 120, 197, 6, 9, 90, 164, 170, 8, 194, 57, 184, 75,
    95, 67, 240, 169, 62, 244, 171, 95, 237, 85, 86, 1, 122, 169, 8, 0, 138, 149, 72, 185, 56,
    62, 30, 76, 117, 134, 123, 62, 4, 132, 23, 143, 200, 150, 171, 42, 63, 19, 173, 21, 89, 98,
    38, 175, 43, 132, 69, 75, 96, 168, 82, 108, 19, 182, 130, 230, 161, 43, 7, 225, 20, 229,
    92, 103, 57, 188, 151, 170, 16, 8, 126, 122, 98, 131, 121, 43, 181, 19, 180, 228, 8, 6, 66,
    65, 66, 69, 181, 1, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 250, 8, 207, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 86, 157, 105, 202, 151,
    254, 95, 169, 249, 150, 219, 194, 195, 143, 181, 39, 43, 87, 179, 157, 152, 191, 40, 255,
    23, 66, 18, 249, 93, 170, 58, 15, 178, 210, 130, 18, 66, 244, 232, 119, 74, 190, 92, 145,
    33, 192, 195, 176, 125, 217, 124, 33, 167, 97, 64, 63, 149, 200, 220, 191, 64, 134, 232, 9,
    3, 178, 186, 150, 130, 105, 25, 148, 218, 35, 208, 226, 112, 85, 184, 237, 23, 243, 86, 81,
    27, 127, 188, 223, 162, 244, 26, 77, 234, 116, 24, 11, 5, 66, 65, 66, 69, 1, 1, 112, 68,
    111, 83, 145, 78, 98, 96, 247, 64, 179, 237, 113, 175, 125, 177, 110, 39, 185, 55, 156,
    197, 177, 225, 226, 90, 238, 223, 115, 193, 185, 35, 67, 216, 98, 25, 55, 225, 224, 19, 43,
    255, 226, 125, 22, 160, 33, 182, 222, 213, 150, 40, 108, 108, 124, 254, 140, 228, 155, 29,
    250, 193, 65, 140,

// Decoding the header can panic if it is malformed. Do not unwrap if, for example, the
// header has been received from a remote!
// The second parameter is specific to each chain and corresponds to the number of bytes
// that are used to encode block numbers. This value is also necessary when calculating
// the hash of the header or encoding it.
let decoded_header = smoldot::header::decode(&scale_encoded_header, 4).unwrap();

println!("Block hash: {:?}", decoded_header.hash(4));
println!("Header number: {}", decoded_header.number);
println!("Parent block hash: {:?}", decoded_header.parent_hash);
for item in decoded_header.digest.logs() {
    println!("Digest item: {:?}", item);

// Call `scale_encoding` to produce the header encoding.
let reencoded: Vec<u8> = decoded_header
    .fold(Vec::new(), |mut a, b| { a.extend_from_slice(b.as_ref()); a });
assert_eq!(reencoded, scale_encoded_header);


