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Utilities for keymap interpretation of keyboard input This module provides an implementation for wl_keyboard objects using libxkbcommon to interpret the keyboard input given the user keymap.

You simply need to provide an implementation to receive the intepreted events, as described by the Event enum of this modules.

Implementation of you NewProxy<WlKeyboard> can be done with the map_keyboard_auto or the map_keyboard_rmlvo functions depending on whether you wish to use the keymap provided by the server or a specific one.



An event sent at repeated intervals for certain keys determined by xkb_keymap_key_repeats
Represents the current state of the keyboard modifiers
The RMLVO description of a keymap


An error that occurred while trying to initialize a mapped keyboard
Events received from a mapped keyboard
Determines the behavior of key repetition
physical key state


Implement a keyboard to automatically detect the keymap
Implement a keyboard to automatically detect the keymap and send KeyRepeatEvents at set intervals
Implement a keyboard for a predefined keymap
Implement a keyboard for a predefined keymap and send KeyRepeatEvents at set intervals