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This module gives access to NeuralNetwork related things and most importantly it gives access to the NeuralNetwork Type itself. It also contains some convenience functions such as batch_run() and batch_mutate()


The NeuralNetwork type from which all learning functions come from, stores data for the network and gives access to functions which can be used to access, run, and mutate the network.


Turns one inputted NeuralNetwork into amount number of mutated NeuralNetworks mutated by mutation. If outputs is true then it will also mutate the output weights. It does this through cloning and calling NeuralNetwork::mutate(mutation) so it isn’t any more efficent, its simply here for convenience.

Returns a Vector of Vectors that makes up the output of all NeuralNetworks given to this function. This function does this by repeatedly calling NeuralNetwork::run() so it isn’t any more efficent, its simply here for convenience.