[][src]Function smart_access::detached_at

pub fn detached_at<View: ?Sized, I>(i: I) -> DetachedPath<View, ((), I)> where
    View: At<I>, 

Creates a detached path. Requires detach feature.

The type of a value returned by detached_at::<V, I> implements Attach<V, View=<V as At<I>>::View>.

Present only on detach.

Usage example

A simple case when detached paths could be helpful: creating a detached path and cloning it several times.

use smart_access::Cps;

let reference_path = smart_access::detached_at(()).at(()).at(());

let mut items = vec![ Some(Some(Ok(1))), Some(None), Some(Some(Err(2))) ];

let sum = items.iter_mut().map(|wrapped| {
        .access(|x| *x) 

assert!(sum == 1);

A more convoluted example: a functional index combinator.

use smart_access::{Attach, Cps};

type Mat = Vec<Vec<f64>>;

fn mat_index(i: usize, j: usize) -> impl Attach<Mat, View=f64> {

let mut mat = vec![
    vec![1., 2.],
    vec![3., 4.]

assert!(mat.attach(mat_index(1,1)).replace(0.) == Some(4.));

But note that a more idiomatic approach would be

use smart_access::{Cps, At};

struct Mat { numbers: Vec<Vec<f64>> };

impl At<(usize, usize)> for Mat {
    type View = f64;

    fn access_at<R,F>(&mut self, ij: (usize, usize), f: F) -> Option<R> where
        F: FnOnce(&mut f64) -> R
        let (i, j) = ij;


let mut mat = Mat { numbers: vec![
    vec![1., 2.],
    vec![3., 4.]

assert!(mat.at( (1,1) ).replace(0.) == Some(4.));