Crate slurp [] [src]

A collection of convenience methods around loading files into various containers.

This crate contains a few small wrapper methods around common operations in the standard library for loading files. The Read trait is a little cumbersome if you don't want to bother keeping up with a buffer, or if you're only loading one file. Here, you can wrap up all that boilerplate into little one-off functions!

To read a file into a string:

let my_file = slurp::read_all_to_string("myfile.txt").unwrap();

To read a file into a byte vector:

let my_file = slurp::read_all_bytes("myfile.txt").unwrap();

Or, to read a file into a Vec where each element is a different line:

let my_file: Vec<String> = slurp::read_all_lines("myfile.txt").unwrap();

There's also an iterator to lazily load the lines, though it's mainly a wrapper over io::BufReader:

for line in slurp::iterate_all_lines("myfile.txt") {
    let line = line.unwrap();



Iterator over the lines of a file.



Returns an iterator over the lines in the file at the given filename.


Reads the file at the given filename into a new byte vector.


Reads the lines of the file at the given filename into a new collection of Strings.


Reads the file at the given filename into a new String.