Crate slimmer_box

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slimmer_box: A packed alternative to Box<T> whose ‘fat’ pointer is ‘slimmer’.

SlimmerBox<T> is the main type exposed by this crate. Detailed documentation can be found there.

Other, less frequently useful types:

  • CloneUnsized: a helper trait to also allow unsized types whose contents are clone. (like [T] and str) to be cloned around.
  • SlimmerPointee: a helper trait implemented for all sized and unsized types for which a ‘fat’ pointer might be made slimmer.

Feature flags

  • "std". Enabled by default. Disable the default features to use the crate in no_std environments. slimmer_box does require the alloc crate to be available.
  • "rkyv". Enable support for the rkyv zero-copy serialisation/deserialisation library, which is a very good match for this crate!
  • "serde". Enable support for the serde serialisation/deserialisation library.


The minimum supported Rust version of slimmer_box is 1.58.1.


