Crate sliding_windows [] [src]

This crate provides an iterator adaptor that yields sliding windows into the elements of the wrapped Iterator.

Note that this adaptor does NEVER clone any element for huge speed gains.

As a consequence it violates the Iterator protocol slightly. It is not possible to have two Windows into the data available at the same time. This is checked during runtime. If this check fails, the Adaptor panicks in next(). More information can be found in the section Panics.

There are some options regarding the constructor for Storage, which allow reuse of an allocation. Consult the docs for Storage for details.

Iterator element type is Window<'a, Self::Item>.

Note: Window<'a, Self::Item> implements iter() and iter_mut(), which return Iterators over the elements of the Window.

This iterator is fused.


use sliding_windows::IterExt;
use sliding_windows::Storage;

let iter = 0..5;
let mut storage: Storage<u32> = Storage::new(3);
let windowed_iter = iter.sliding_windows(&mut storage);
let output: Vec<Vec<u32>> =|x| x.iter().map(|&x| x).collect()).collect();
let expected: &[&[u32]] = &[&[0,1,2], &[1,2,3], &[2,3,4]];

assert_eq!(output, expected);

It's also possible to reuse an allocation for Storage via the Into trait.


use sliding_windows::IterExt;
use sliding_windows::Storage;

let previous_alloca = vec![0u32; 3]; // length doesn't have to be equal to window_size
let mut storage: Storage<u32> = Storage::from_vec(previous_alloca, 3);
let expected: &[&[u32]] = &[&[0,1,2], &[1,2,3], &[2,3,4]];

// extra scope so that windowed_iter doesn't outlive storage.into() call
    let windowed_iter = (0..5).sliding_windows(&mut storage);
    let output: Vec<Vec<u32>> =|x| x.iter().map(|&x| x).collect()).collect();
    assert_eq!(output, expected);

let reusing_alloca: Vec<u32> = storage.into();
// keep using allocation of storage


As this iterator reuses the allocation for the yielded Window, no two instances of Window belonging to the same iterator may exist simultaneously. As noted above this is checked at runtime.

use sliding_windows::IterExt;
use sliding_windows::Storage;

let mut storage: Storage<u32> = Storage::new(3);
let mut windowed_iter = (0..5).sliding_windows(&mut storage);

// extra scope so that a doesn't live until the for loop
    let a =;
    //let b =; => this would PANIC

// looping for example is fine though
for _ in windowed_iter {
    // blah

Mutable Window:

There is an implementation of an Iterator over &'a mut T for Window<'a, T>. It can be obtained by calling iter_mut(). For more information see Window<'a, T>.

However be aware that changes made to the items in the Window are persistent through calls to next().



See sliding_windows for more information.


This holds the backing allocation for the Window of an Adaptor.


This is the Item type of the Adaptor iterator.


