initSidebarItems({"enum":[["AttachmentTemplate","Attachment template to simplify constructing attachments for common use cases."],["ErrorKind","Different kinds of errors handled"],["PayloadTemplate","Templates to support common payload use cases"],["SlackColor","Default slack colors built-in to the API See:"]],"struct":[["Attachment","Slack allows for attachments to be added to messages. See for more information."],["Field","Fields are defined as an array, and hashes contained within it will be displayed in a table inside the message attachment."],["HexColor","The `HexColor` string can be one of:"],["Payload","Payload to send to slack"],["Slack","Handles sending messages to slack"],["SlackError","main Slack library error"],["SlackLink","Representation of a link sent in slack"],["SlackText","Representation of any text sent through slack the text must be processed to escape specific characters"]],"type":[["SlackResult","Result alias to save typing"]]});