This is supported on crate features sync or pool or aio or aio-pool only.
Expand description

Connection pooling

This module provides utilities to use connection pooling. As we already know, it is far more efficient to maintain a number of live connections to a database and share them across multiple “worker threads”, using a “connection pool” because creating individual connections whenever a worker receives a task is slow while maintaining a connection per worker might be cumbersome to implement.

To provide connection pooling, we use r2d2 for a sync connection pool while we use bb8 to provide an async connection pool.

Basic usage

For your convenience, we have provided defaults for you to build connection pools.

Below, we have created TCP/TLS pools with a size of 10 (you can choose anything that you need) and run some actions for demonstration.

Sync Usage

use skytable::{pool, actions::Actions};

let notls_pool = pool::get("", 2003, 10).unwrap();
notls_pool.get().unwrap().set("x", "100").unwrap();

let tls_pool = pool::get_tls("", 2004, "cert.pem", 10).unwrap();
let ret: u8 = tls_pool.get().unwrap().get("x").unwrap();

assert_eq!(ret, 100);

Async Usage

use skytable::pool;
use skytable::actions::AsyncActions;

async fn run() {
    let notls_pool = pool::get_async("", 2003, 10).await.unwrap();
    notls_pool.get().await.unwrap().set("x", "100").await.unwrap();

    let tls_pool = pool::get_tls_async("", 2004, "cert.pem", 10).await.unwrap();
    let ret: u8 = tls_pool.get().await.unwrap().get("x").await.unwrap();

    assert_eq!(ret, 100);

Advanced usage

If you want to configure a pool with custom settings, then you can use r2d2’s Builder or bb8’s Builder to configure your pool.

Sync usage

Example usage for TLS and non-TLS connection pools are given below.

use skytable::pool::{ConnectionManager, Pool, TlsPool};
use skytable::sync::{Connection, TlsConnection};

// non-TLS (TCP pool)
let notls_manager = ConnectionManager::new_notls("", 2003);
let notls_pool = Pool::builder()

// TLS pool
let tls_manager = ConnectionManager::new_tls("", 2003, "cert.pem");
let notls_pool = TlsPool::builder()

Async usage

Example usage for TLS and non-TLS connection pools are given below.

use skytable::pool::{ConnectionManager, AsyncPool, AsyncTlsPool};
use skytable::aio::{Connection, TlsConnection};
async fn run() {
    // non-TLS (TCP pool)
    let notls_manager = ConnectionManager::new_notls("", 2003);
    let notls_pool = AsyncPool::builder()

    // TLS pool
    let tls_manager = ConnectionManager::new_tls("", 2003, "cert.pem");
    let notls_pool = AsyncTlsPool::builder()


A ConnectionManager for connection pools. See the module level documentation for examples and more information

r2d2Errorsync and pool

r2d2’s error type The error type returned by methods in this crate.


bb8Erroraio and aio-pool

bb8’s error type bb8’s error type.


getsync and pool

Returns a TCP pool of the specified size and provided settings

get_asyncaio and aio-pool

Returns an async TCP pool of the specified size and provided settings

get_tlssync and (ssl or sslv)

Returns a TLS pool of the specified size and provided settings

get_tls_asyncaio and (aio-ssl or aio-sslv)

Returns an async TLS pool of the specified size and provided settings

Type Definitions

An asynchronous non-TLS connection pool to Skytable

AsyncTlsPoolaio and (aio-ssl or aio-sslv)

An asynchronous TLS connection pool to Skytable

A non-TLS connection pool to Skytable

TlsPoolsync and (ssl or sslv)

A TLS connection pool to Skytable