Module skytable::types[][src]

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This module contains a collection of enumerations and traits that are used for converting multiple types, either primitve or user-defined, into Skyhash serializable items.

Implementing a Skyhash serializable type

If you have an object that can be turned into a String or a sequence of String objects, then your type can be serialized by Skyhash (this might change in the future with more types being supported). Here is a simple example:

use skytable::actions::Actions;
use skytable::types::{IntoSkyhashAction, IntoSkyhashBytes, GetIterator};
use skytable::Query;
/// Our custom element that adds "cool" to the end of every string when serialized
struct CoolString(String);
impl IntoSkyhashBytes for CoolString {
    fn into_string(&self) -> String {
        let mut st = self.0.to_string();
        // add cool
/// Our custom sequence of `CoolString` objects
struct CoolStringCollection(Vec<CoolString>);
impl IntoSkyhashAction for CoolStringCollection {
    fn push_into_query(&self, query: &mut Query) {
        self.0.iter().for_each(|item| query.push(item.into_string()));
    fn incr_len_by(&self) -> usize {
// And finally implement `GetIterator` for use with some actions that need them
impl GetIterator<CoolString> for CoolStringCollection {
    fn get_iter(&self) -> std::slice::Iter<'_, CoolString> {
// You can now directly append your custom element to queries
fn main() {
    let mut q = Query::new();
    let cool = CoolString(String::from("sayan is "));
    let other_cools = CoolStringCollection(vec![
            CoolString("ferris is ".to_owned()),
            CoolString("llvm is ".to_owned())
    assert_eq!(q, Query::from(vec!["sayan is cool", "ferris is cool", "llvm is cool"]));



Result of an mksnap action



Implement this trait for methods in crate::actions that need them. See the module level documentation for more information


Anything that implements this trait can directly add itself to the bytes part of a Query object


Anything that implements this trait can be turned into a String. This trait is implemented for most primitive types by default using std’s ToString trait.