Module sixtyfps_corelib::input[][src]

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Module handling mouse events


Represents a key event sent by the windowing system.

KeyboardModifier provides booleans to indicate possible modifier keys on a keyboard, such as Shift, Control, etc.

The state which a window should hold for the mouse input

Helper struct containing the offsets of the fields of the struct TextCursorBlinker


This event is sent to a component and items when they receive or loose the keyboard focus.

This value is returned by the input_event_filter_before_children function, which can specify how to further process the event. See crate::items::ItemVTable::input_event_filter_before_children.

This value is returned by the input_event function of an Item to notify the run-time about how the event was handled and what the next steps are. See crate::items::ItemVTable::input_event.

InternalKeyCode is used to certain keys to unicode characters, since our public key event only exposes a string. This enum captures this mapping.

Represents how an item’s key_event handler dealt with a key event. An accepted event results in no further event propagation.

This enum defines the different kinds of key events that can happen.

A Mouse event


Process the mouse_event on the component, the mouse_grabber_stack is the previous stack of mouse grabber. Returns a new mouse grabber stack.