pub trait Filesystem {
    fn open(&mut self, _ino: INode, _flags: u32) -> FSResult<OpenFile> { ... }
fn open_dir(&mut self, _ino: INode, _flags: u32) -> FSResult<OpenDir> { ... }
fn lookup(&mut self, _parent: INode, _name: &OsStr) -> FSResult<Lookup> { ... }
fn getattr(&mut self, _inode: INode) -> FSResult<FileAttributes> { ... }
fn setattr(
        &mut self,
        _inode: INode,
        _attr: SetFileAttributes
    ) -> FSResult<FileAttributes> { ... }
fn setxattr(
        &mut self,
        _ino: INode,
        _attr_name: &OsStr,
        _attr_value: &[u8],
        _flags: SetXAttrFlags
    ) -> FSResult<()> { ... }
fn getxattr(
        &mut self,
        _ino: INode,
        _attr_name: &OsStr,
        _max_len: u32
    ) -> FSResult<XAttrRef<'_>> { ... }
fn listxattrs(
        &mut self,
        _ino: INode,
        _max_len: u32
    ) -> FSResult<(OsString, u32)> { ... }
fn readdir(&mut self, _dir: INode, _offset: u64) -> FSResult<Vec<DirEntry>> { ... }
fn read(&mut self, _ino: INode, _offset: u64, _size: u32) -> FSResult<&[u8]> { ... }
fn write<T: BufRead>(
        &mut self,
        _ino: INode,
        _offset: u64,
        _size: u32,
        _buf: T
    ) -> FSResult<u32> { ... } }

Provided methods

When max_len == 0, this is functionally requesting only the length of the requested attribute.

When max_len is 0, the return value should be an empty string and the length of all the attributes with an additional nul byte.

When max_len is greater than 0, this function should return an OsString composed of all the xattr names seperated by a nul (\0) byte. If the length of that string is greater than max_len, however, the method should error and return FSError::BufferWouldOverflow.

Reads a directory.


This method must include the “.” and “..” directories, as well as properly accounting for offset. If not, some operations may get stuck in an infinite loop while trying to read a directory.

Returns the amount of bytes written
