Expand description

Simple Crypt

simple_crypt is a high-level library to encrypt and decrypt data

For encryption it uses AES-GCM-SIV-256 and Argon2


add this to Cargo.toml:

simple_crypt = "*"


// Encrypting

use simple_crypt::encrypt;
let encrypted_data = encrypt(b"example text", b"example password").expect("Failed to encrypt");

// Decrypting

use simple_crypt::decrypt;
let data = decrypt(&encrypted_data, b"example password").expect("Failed to decrypt");

And there are other functions to encrypt files or folders see the documentation

Documentation Repository


Decrypts some data and returns the result

Decrypts a directory and extracts it to the specified output directory

Decrypts file data and output it to the specified output file

Encrypts some data and returns the result

Encrypts a directory and outputs it to the specified output file

Encrypts file data and outputs it to the specified output file