Module simdnoise::sse2[][src]

SSE2 Accelerated noise functions. All 64bit intel/amd CPUs support this. save for one obscure server cpu

Use is_x86_feature_detected!("sse2") provided by the Rust stanard library to detect at runtime.

When using the get_ functions, you will get a performance boost when width is evenly divisble by 4, and when it is not small relative height and depth.


fbm_1d [

Get a single value of 1d fractal brownian motion.

fbm_2d [

Get a single value of 2d fractal brownian motion.

fbm_3d [

Get a single value of 3d fractal brownian motion.

fbm_4d [

Get a single value of 4d fractal brownian motion.

get_1d_noise [

Gets a width sized block of 1d noise, unscaled. start_x can be used to provide an offset in the coordinates. Results are unscaled, 'min' and 'max' noise values are returned so you can scale and transform the noise as you see fit in a single pass.

get_1d_scaled_noise [

Gets a width sized block of scaled 2d noise start_x can be used to provide an offset in the coordinates. scaled_min and scaled_max specify the range you want the noise scaled to.

get_2d_noise [

Gets a width X height sized block of 2d noise, unscaled. start_x and start_y can be used to provide an offset in the coordinates. Results are unscaled, 'min' and 'max' noise values are returned so you can scale and transform the noise as you see fit in a single pass.

get_2d_scaled_noise [

Gets a width X height sized block of scaled 2d noise start_x and start_y can be used to provide an offset in the coordinates. scaled_min and scaled_max specify the range you want the noise scaled to.

get_3d_noise [

Gets a width X height X depth sized block of 3d noise, unscaled, start_x,start_y and start_z can be used to provide an offset in the coordinates. Results are unscaled, 'min' and 'max' noise values are returned so you can scale and transform the noise as you see fit in a single pass.

get_3d_scaled_noise [

Gets a width X height X depth sized block of scaled 3d noise start_x, start_y and start_z can be used to provide an offset in the coordinates. scaled_min and scaled_max specify the range you want the noise scaled to.

get_4d_noise [

Gets a width X height X depth x time sized block of 4d noise, unscaled, start_* can be used to provide an offset in the coordinates. Results are unscaled, 'min' and 'max' noise values are returned so you can scale and transform the noise as you see fit in a single pass.

get_4d_scaled_noise [

Gets a width X height X depth X time sized block of scaled 4d noise start_* can be used to provide an offset in the coordinates. scaled_min and scaled_max specify the range you want the noise scaled to.

ridge_1d [

Get a single value of 2d ridge noise.

ridge_2d [

Get a single value of 2d ridge noise.

ridge_3d [

Get a single value of 3d ridge noise.

ridge_4d [

Get a single value of 4d ridge noise.

simplex_1d [

Get a single value of 1d simplex noise, results are not scaled.

simplex_2d [

Get a single value of 2d simplex noise, results are not scaled.

simplex_3d [

Get a single value of 3d simplex noise, results are not scaled.

simplex_4d [

Get a single value of 4d simplex noise, results are not scaled.

turbulence_1d [

Get a single value of 2d turbulence.

turbulence_2d [

Get a single value of 2d turbulence.

turbulence_3d [

Get a single value of 3d turbulence.

turbulence_4d [

Get a single value of 4d turbulence.