Crate simdnoise[][src]

Fast, SIMD accelerated noise generation functions with optional runtime feature detection.

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  • SSE2, SSE41, and AVX2 instruction sets, along with non SIMD fallback
  • AVX2 version also leverages FMA3
  • Runtime detection picks the best available instruction set
  • Simplex noise, fractal brownian motion, and turbulence
  • 2d and 3d


Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz Single Threaded

2D 1000x1000 FBM Noise, 3 Octaves

  • scalar_2d ... bench: 74,207,703 ns/iter (+/- 2,184,952)
  • sse2_2d ... bench: 23,863,725 ns/iter (+/- 746,331)
  • sse41_2d ... bench: 22,440,765 ns/iter (+/- 995,336)
  • avx2_2d ... bench: 12,022,253 ns/iter (+/- 508,793)

3D 100x100x100 FBM Noise, 3 Octaves

  • scalar_3d ... bench: 102,543,499 ns/iter (+/- 3,310,472)
  • sse2_3d ... bench: 39,991,825 ns/iter (+/- 1,043,332)
  • sse41_3d ... bench: 38,852,436 ns/iter (+/- 1,350,831)
  • avx2_3d ... bench: 23,231,237 ns/iter (+/- 777,420)

Usage Notes

By default the Rust compiler will not target AVX2 and SSE41 instructions even if your machine supports them, you have to specify the target-cpu in RUSTFLAGS when building your project. For example you can add this to your .cargo/config file

rustflags = ["-C","target-cpu=native"]

Get a block of noise with runtime SIMD detection

The library will, at runtime, pick the fastest available options between SSE2, SSE41, and AVX2

use simdnoise::*;
// A struct to set up noise parameters
let fractal_settings = simdnoise::FractalSettings {
      freq: 0.04,
      lacunarity: 0.5,
      gain: 2.0,
      octaves: 3,
      noise_type: simdnoise::NoiseType::FBM,
// Get a block of 2d 800x600 noise, with no scaling of resulting values
// min and max values are returned so you can apply your own scaling
let (an_f32_vec,min,max) = simdnoise::get_2d_noise(0.0, 800, 0.0, 600, fractal_settings);
// Get a block of 200x200x200 3d noise
let (an_f32_vec,min,max) = simdnoise::get_3d_noise(0.0, 200, 0.0, 200,0.0, 200, fractal_settings);
// Get a block of noise scaled between -1 and 1
let an_f32_vec = simdnoise::get_2d_scaled_noise(0.0, 800, 0.0, 600, fractal_settings,-1.0,1.0);

Call noise functions directly

Sometimes you need something other than a block, like the points on the surface of a sphere. Sometimes you may want to use SSE41 even with AVX2 is available

// get a block of 100x100 sse41 noise, skip runtime detection
let (noise,min,max) = simdnoise::sse41::get_2d_noise(0.0,100,0.0,100,fractal_settings);
// send your own SIMD x,y values to the noise functions directly
unsafe {
  // sse2 simplex noise
  let x = _mm_set1_ps(5.0);
  let y = _mm_set1_ps(10.0);
  let f : __m128 = simdnoise::sse2::simplex_2d(x,y);
  // avx2 turbulence
  let x = _mm256_set1_ps(5.0);
  let y = _mm256_set1_ps(10.0);
  let freq = _mm_256_set1_ps(1.0);
  let lacunarity = _mm256_set1_ps(0.5);
  let gain = _mm256_set1_ps(2.0);
  let octaves = 3;
  let f_turbulence : __m256 = simdnoise::avx2::turbulence_2d(x,y,freq,lacunarity,gain,octaves);



AVX2 and FMA3 Accelerated noise functions. CPUs since ~2013 (Intel) and ~2015 (AMD) support this. It is about twice as fast as the SSE2 version.


Non SIMD accelerated versions of noise functions, guaranteed to work wherever rust works.


SSE2 Accelerated noise functions. All 64bit intel/amd CPUs support this. save for one obscure server cpu


SSE41 Accelerated noise functions. The vast majority of Intel/AMD cpus running support this. It is only a few % faster than SSE2 though.



Contains parameters for noise functions. When using Normal noise, only frequency is used.



Specifies what type of noise to generate.



Gets a width X height sized block of 2d noise, unscaled, using runtime CPU feature detection to pick the fastest method between scalar, SSE2, SSE41, and AVX2 start_x and start_y can be used to provide an offset in the coordinates. Results are unscaled, 'min' and 'max' noise values are returned so you can scale and transform the noise as you see fit in a single pass.


Gets a width X height sized block of scaled 2d noise using runtime CPU feature detection to pick the fastest method between scalar, SSE2, SSE41, and AVX2 start_x and start_y can be used to provide an offset in the coordinates. scaled_min and scaled_max specify the range you want the noise scaled to.


Gets a width X height X depth sized block of 3d noise, unscaled, using runtime CPU feature detection to pick the fastest method between scalar, SSE2, SSE41, and AVX2 start_x,start_y and start_z can be used to provide an offset in the coordinates. Results are unscaled, 'min' and 'max' noise values are returned so you can scale and transform the noise as you see fit in a single pass.


Gets a width X height X depth sized block of scaled 3d noise using runtime CPU feature detection to pick the fastest method between scalar, SSE2, SSE41, and AVX2 start_x, start_y and start_z can be used to provide an offset in the coordinates. scaled_min and scaled_max specify the range you want the noise scaled to.