Module sierra::backend[][src]

Expand description

Contains backend specific types. Most of the type user would use re-exports in the crate root.


Bottom-level acceleration structure.

Handle for GPU buffer object. GPU buffer is an object representing contiguous array of bytes accessible by GPU operations.

Resource that describes whole compute pipeline state.

Set of descriptors with specific layout.

Handle for GPU descriptor set layout object.

Handle to abstract device that can execute graphics, compute and ray-tracing pipelines.

Handle to GPU fence object.

Framebuffer is a collection of attachments for render pass. Images format and sample count should match attachment definitions. All image views must be 2D with 1 mip level and 1 array level.

Root object of the erupt graphics system.

Resource that describes whole graphics pipeline state.

Handle to GPU image object.

Handle to GPU image view object.

Handle to GPU buffer object.

Opaque value representing a device (software emulated of hardware). Can be used to fetch information about device, its support of the surface and create graphics device.

Handle for GPU pipeline layout object.

Resource that describes whole ray-tracing pipeline state.

Handle to GPU render pass object.

Handle for GPU semaphore object.

Handle fot GPU shader module object.

Weak reference to the device. Must be upgraded to strong reference before use. Upgrade will fail if last strong reference to device was dropped.

