initSidebarItems({"enum":[["ShoutAudioInfo","Type representing information about the audio data to be sent to the host"],["ShoutConnError","Type representing an error resulting from either libshout, or processing data to be sent to libshout"],["ShoutErr","Type representing the return of a call to a libshout function. The Success value should never be returned as an error by this library."],["ShoutFormat","Type representing the format of data to be streamed to the host is"],["ShoutMeta","Type representing a meta value used in setting up the connection with the host."],["ShoutProtocol","Type representing the protocol to use for libshout"],["ShoutTLS","Type representing a TLS mode to connect to a host with"]],"static":[["SHOUT_AI_BITRATE",""],["SHOUT_AI_CHANNELS",""],["SHOUT_AI_QUALITY",""],["SHOUT_AI_SAMPLERATE",""],["SHOUT_META_AIM",""],["SHOUT_META_DESCRIPTION",""],["SHOUT_META_GENRE",""],["SHOUT_META_ICQ",""],["SHOUT_META_IRC",""],["SHOUT_META_NAME",""],["SHOUT_META_URL",""]],"struct":[["ShoutConn",""],["ShoutConnBuilder","A shout connection builder. All desired values should be set in this before it is built into a `ShoutConn`. All validation of parameters and FFI calls happen on build."],["ShoutMetadata","Struct representing a metadata dict to be used by the shout connection"]]});