[][src]Module shogai::movement

Handles the conversion from string literal to computer-understandable movement structure respect the standard notation (see: Western notation);

For quick reminder:

normal move [Piece type][start]-[end][optionnal promotion]

drop [Piece type]*[end]

However, origin must always be written! (implicit start position not allowed)

If a opponent's piece is taken, the move can, optionnaly, be written as (eg) P1gx1f (note the x instead of the -). This will ensure an extra check to make sure there is a opponent piece there.

If the piece is to be promoted, the move should be written "P4d-4c+" ('+' at the end of the move). The promotion status may be provided anytime but will trigger the check (and panic) if promotion is requested but the piece does not fulfill conditions to be promoted, or if promotion is mandatory but the promotion was not requested. No extra + is required to move a promoted pawn after the promotion. No extra '=' must be provided if the piece can be promoted but the player choose not to.


Dropping a pawn at position 3e: "P*3e"

Moving the king from 5i to 4h : "K5i-4h"

Taking an opponent pawn with a Lance: "L9ax9f"

Also taking an opponent pawn with a Lance: "L9a-9f"

