[][src]Module shapefile::reader

Reader module, contains the definitions of the types that a user should use to read a file

The Reader is the struct that actually reads the file from any source as long as it implements the Read Trait (std::fs::File, and std::io::Cursor for example).

It is recommended to create a Reader using its from_path method as this constructor will take care of opening the .shx and .dbf files corresponding to the .shp (if they exists).

If you want to read a shapefile that is not storred in a file (e.g the shp data is in a buffer), you will have to construct the Reader "by hand" with its new method.

If you want the "manually" constructed Reader to also read the shx and dbf file content you will have to use add_index_source and/or add_dbf_source


When reading from a file:

Creates a reader from a path, then iterate over its Shapes, reading one shape each iteration

let reader = shapefile::Reader::from_path("tests/data/pointm.shp").unwrap();
for shape in reader {
    let shape = shape.unwrap();
    println!("{}", shape);

Creates a reader from a path, reads the whole file at once

let reader = shapefile::Reader::from_path("tests/data/pointm.shp").unwrap();
let shapes = reader.read().unwrap();

If you know beforehand the exact type that the .shp file is made of, you can use the different *_as::<S>() functions.:

  • read_as To read all the shapes as the specified type
  • iter_shapes_as To iterate over the shapes as shapes of the specified type

Two functions (read and read_as) are provided to read files with one function call (thus not having to build a Reader)



struct that reads the content of a shapefile


Struct that handle iteration over the shapes of a .shp file




Function to read all the Shapes in a file.


Function to read all the Shapes in a file as a certain type