Crate shakmaty_syzygy

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Probe Syzygy endgame tablebases.

Syzygy tables allow optimal play under the 50-move rule. Tables are available for positions with up to 7 pieces.


use shakmaty::{CastlingMode, Chess, fen::Fen};
use shakmaty_syzygy::{Tablebase, MaybeRounded, Wdl, Dtz, Syzygy};

let mut tables = Tablebase::new();

let pos: Chess = "8/8/8/8/B7/N7/K2k4/8 b - - 0 1"

let wdl = tables.probe_wdl_after_zeroing(&pos)?;
assert_eq!(wdl, Wdl::Loss);

let dtz = tables.probe_dtz(&pos)?;
assert!(matches!(dtz, MaybeRounded::Rounded(Dtz(-59))));


See SyzygyError for possible error conditions.

§Cargo features

  • mmap: Enables support for memory-mapped tablebase files via Tablebase::with_mmap_filesystem().
  • variant: Enables support for Antichess and Atomic chess.


  • Traits to provide a custom filesystem implementation.


  • DTZ50′′. Based on the distance to zeroing of the half-move clock.
  • A material key.
  • File extension and magic header bytes of Syzygy tables.
  • A collection of tables.



  • A chess variant with Syzygy support.