[][src]Function sgx_urts::rsgx_create_enclave

pub fn rsgx_create_enclave(
    file_name: &CStr,
    debug: i32,
    launch_token: &mut sgx_launch_token_t,
    launch_token_updated: &mut i32,
    misc_attr: &mut sgx_misc_attribute_t
) -> SgxResult<sgx_enclave_id_t>

Loads the enclave using its file name and initializes it using a launch token.


The rsgx_create_enclave function will load and initialize the enclave using the enclave file name and a launch token. If the launch token is incorrect, it will get a new one and save it back to the input parameter “token”, and the parameter “updated” will indicate that the launch token was updated.

If both enclave and launch token are valid, the function will return a value of SGX_SUCCESS. The enclave ID (handle) is returned via the enclave_id parameter.

The library libsgx_urts.a provides this function to load an enclave with Intel(R) SGX hardware, and it cannot be used to load an enclave linked with the simulation library. On the other hand, the simulation library libsgx_ urts_sim.a exposes an identical interface which can only load a simulation enclave. Running in simulation mode does not require Intel(R) SGX hardware/ driver. However, it does not provide hardware protection.

The randomization of the load address of the enclave is dependent on the operating system. The address of the heap and stack is not randomized and is at a constant offset from the enclave base address. A compromised loader or operating system (both of which are outside the TCB) can remove the randomization entirely. The enclave writer should not rely on the randomization of the base address of the enclave.



Name or full path to the enclave image.


The valid value is 0 or 1.

0 indicates to create the enclave in non-debug mode. An enclave created in non-debug mode cannot be debugged.

1 indicates to create the enclave in debug mode. The code/data memory inside an enclave created in debug mode is accessible by the debugger or other software outside of the enclave and thus is not under the same memory access protections as an enclave created in non-debug mode.

Enclaves should only be created in debug mode for debug purposes. A helper macro SGX_DEBUG_FLAG is provided to create an enclave in debug mode. In release builds, the value of SGX_DEBUG_FLAG is 0. In debug and pre-release builds, the value of SGX_DEBUG_FLAG is 1 by default.


A pointer to an sgx_launch_token_t object used to initialize the enclave to be created. Must not be NULL. The caller can provide an all-0 buffer as the sgx_ launch_token_t object, in which case, the function will attempt to create a valid sgx_launch_token_t object and store it in the buffer. The caller should store the sgx_launch_token_t object and re-use it in future calls to create the same enclave. Certain platform configuration changes can invalidate a previously stored sgx_launch_token_t object. If the token provided is not valid, the function will attempt to update it to a valid one.


The output is 0 or 1. 0 indicates the launch token has not been updated. 1 indicates the launch token has been updated.


A pointer to an sgx_misc_attribute_t structure that receives the misc select and attributes of the enclave.


Header: sgx_urts.h

Library: libsgx_urts.a

Return value

The sgx_enclave_id_t returned.



The enclave file is corrupted.


The ‘enclave_id’, ‘updated’ or ‘token’ parameter is NULL.


Not enough memory available to complete rsgx_create_enclave().


The enclave file can’t be opened. It may be caused by enclave file not being found or no privilege to access the enclave file.


The metadata embedded within the enclave image is corrupt or missing.


The enclave metadata version (created by the signing tool) and the untrusted library version (uRTS) do not match.


The signature for the enclave is not valid.


The protected memory has run out. For example, a user is creating too many enclaves, the enclave requires too much memory, or we cannot load one of the Architecture Enclaves needed to complete this operation.


The Intel SGX device is not valid. This may be caused by the Intel SGX driver not being installed or the Intel SGX driver being disabled.


During enclave creation, there is a race condition for mapping memory between the loader and another thread. The loader may fail to map virtual address. If this error code is encountered, create the enclave again.


The Intel SGX driver or low level system is busy when creating the enclave. If this error code is encountered, we suggest creating the enclave again.


The target enclave mode is incompatible with the mode of the current RTS. For example, a 64-bit application tries to load a 32-bit enclave or a simulation uRTS tries to load a hardware enclave.


rsgx_create_enclave() needs the AE service to get a launch token. If the service is not available, the enclave may not be launched.


The request to the AE service timed out.


The request requires some special attributes for the enclave, but is not privileged.


The enclave is signed as a product enclave and cannot be created as a debuggable enclave.


The enclave contains an undefined symbol. The signing tool should typically report this type of error when the enclave is built.


The MiscSelct/MiscMask settings are not correct.


An unexpected error is detected.